Monday, November 26, 2012

Blog Post 10

There were two points that i don't plan on following.

The first tip that i don't intend on following is the logo placement. I think that generally putting it at the top lefthand corner of your page is good, but I always want to center mine. I think that the most important thing is the visibility of it, so depending on how bold or eye catching it is the placement doesn't matter as much.

Next is the tagline. I personally don't always like using taglines unless they're really good and catchy. If an about me or description page is on the webpage, the tagline is unnecessary.

My two favorite websites were the following:


These two websites have unique navigation. They are very memorable and have a unique way of going from link to link. To do these things I would probably have to learn flash and gain a great amount of creativity. Coming up with the ideas, however, would be much easier than learning how to put it all together in my opinion.